Anything but a ‘happy holiday’ can be had when families break up | home | The Obama guide to parenting

December 12, 2008

These days, couples can’t afford to divorce

An interesting article on the economy’s impact on divorce and marriage can be found here.

The article notes:

“Turns out, couples aren’t sticking it out because they fall a little more in love every time their kids’ college stock portfolio loses 50 percent on Wall Street. They’re sticking it out because when you’re married – breaking up isn’t just hard to do, it’s downright expensive.”

“A litigated divorce could cost anywhere from the low end of $20,000 to a high end of $200,000 or more,” said divorce attorney Aaron Dishon, managing partner at Irvine-based Dishon & Block. “These days, many people can’t even afford to maintain one home, let alone two homes with two mortgages or rents, utilities and all the other costs of maintaining a household.”

Many couples overlook mediation as an alternative to litigation when contemplating a divorce.  Consumer Report’s has noted that a low-conflict divorce can generally be mediated for about 75 percent less than using attorneys and going to trial.  Mediation can also be used to help couples continue to live together in instances when a they truly can’t afford to divorce.

posted to Divorce,Mediation @ 11:28 am

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